Ramadan is a holy month that lasts 30 days, and is divided into three parts called Ushra, each lasting 10 days. Each Ashra has its own significance and is associated with a specific dua or supplication that Muslims recite during that time.
Today we will post here a 3 Ashra dua which you can copy and paste everywhere and you can also share on WhatsApp Facebook or all other messengers. We have posted 3 duas in Urdu, Arabic, and English in 3 different languages and you can copy and paste these duas anywhere.
Ramazan kay 1st Pehle Ashray ki Dua
The first Ashra of Ramadan focuses on mercy, and Muslims pray for Allah’s mercy and forgiveness. The dua for the first Ashra is:
الأشرطة الأولى (الأيام 1-10) – Pehle Ashray ki Dua in Arabic
یا حیُّ یا قیّوم، برحمتکَ أستغیث
پہلا اشرا (دن 1-10)
اے زندہ اور قائم رب! میں تیری رحمت کے حصول کی فریاد کرتا ہوں
First Ashra (Days 1-10):
O living and established Lord! I pray for your mercy
Ramazan kay 2nd Ashray ki dua
The second Ashra of Ramadan focuses on forgiveness, and Muslims pray for Allah’s forgiveness and guidance. The dua for the second Ashra is:
الأشرطة الثانية (الأيام 11-20)
اَسْتَغْفِرُ اللہَ رَبِّی مِنْ کُلِّ زَنْبٍ وَّ اَتُوْبُ اِلَیْہِ
دوسرا اشرا (دن 11-20)
میں اللہ سے اپنے تمام گناہوں کی بخشش مانگتا ہوں جو میرا رب ہے اور اسی کی طرف رجوع کرتا ہوں۔
Second Ashra (Days 11-20)
I seek forgiveness from Allah, my Lord, for all my sins, and I turn toward Him
Ramazan kay 3rd Ashray ki dua
The third Ashra of Ramadan focuses on seeking refuge from hellfire and asking for Allah’s protection. The dua for the third Ashra is:
الأشرطة الثالثة (الأيام 21-30)
اللهم أجرني من النار
تیسرا اشرا (دن 21-30)
اے اللہ، مجھے جہنم کی آگ سے بچا لے
Third Ashra (Days 21-30)
O Allah, protect me from the fire of Hell
These are the recommended duas, but you can also make any other supplication that you feel comfortable with and that resonates with your heart.