Today on 14 March 2023 dollar rate in the Pakistan currency exchange market 283.50 and in Interbank Dollar Rate in PKR is 281.85. Due to various factors involved in the economy, the buying and selling of foreign currency in Pakistan fluctuate on a daily basis. The Bank exchange price of the US Dollar is always slightly lower in exchange rate than in Currency Exchange or Open Market.
Dollar rate in Pakistan today Open market
$ to PKR | Buy | Sell |
Open Market | 283.5 | 286.3 |
Dollar Price in Pakistan Interbank
USD to PKR | Buy | Sell |
Open Market | 281.85 | 282.65 |
Due to the current situation of Pakistan’s economy, the value of Pakistani currency is decreasing daily. The dollar rate is higher than the Pakistani currency (PKR). I think the dollar rate can stabilize after the election in Pakistan.